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We're shining our Sustainability Spotlight on our loyal customer, Charlie who has kindly shared with us her tips and tricks of living an eco lifestyle. Charlie has done a great job in spreading the word about ekologik to her friends, family and on her social media platform. Charlie lives in Cardiff and works as an environmental regulator within the environmental sector, making her hobby and career align with her beliefs. We asked Charlie some quick questions about sustainability...
Q: What made you start your eco journey?
A: I've always been interested in the environment and studied geography at University, but what really made me start going plastic-free was realising there was more I could do as an individual and that action felt like a mini protest! Taking individual action collectively amounts to a big difference. I now work as an environmental regulator and recently led on a project which donated free fruit trees to local schools and community hubs to engage people in their food's life cycle and that was something small which I saw making a big difference. Just recently, Welsh Government and Coed Cadw Cymru (Woodland Trust Wales) started their own project, where every household in Wales can plant or donate their own tree towards a national forest, which I think is fantastic!
Q: What do you think is the easiest sustainable swap someone can make?
A: The easiest swap would have to be using bags for life or a reusable water bottle. Almost no planning ahead required, you can get them in any size! Simple.
Q: What is a swap that people find difficult to make?
A: I think people find plastic free period products a bit of a mental hurdle to overcome but honestly, switching to a menstrual cup is my number one favourite swap as it's saved so much money and is so much more convenient in my experience.
Q: What is your favourite item to stock up on when you head to your local refill shop?
A: My favourite thing to get from my local refill shop is currently chocolate covered peanuts! Although the sensible answer would be pasta, because it's more useful!
Q: Thank you for being a loyal customer of ekologik. What do you like about our products?
A: I love that in using ekologik products I'm supporting a small, local and female-led business and that they're such incredible value for money! The toilet cleaner is my favourite because it smells amazing!
Thanks Charlie for sharing your answers with us, now we want some chocolate covered peanuts, too! If you want to follow Charlie's Instagram where she shares sustainable tips, slow fashion advice and how to cut down on food waste, click here.

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